General Information

Official Name State of Colorado
Capital Denver


Population 5,029,196
Housing Status Total: 2,212,898
(in housing units unless Occupied: 1,972,868
noted) Owner-occupied: 1,293,100
Population in owner-occupied: 3,323,026
( number of individuals )
Renter-occupied: 679,768
Population in renter-occupied: 1,590,292
( number of individuals )
Households with individuals under 18: 644,491
Vacant: 240,030
Vacant (for rent): 57,644
Vacant (for sale): 32,673
Population by Sex/Age Male: 2,520,662
Female: 2,508,534
Under 18: 1,225,609
18 & over: 3,803,587
20 - 24: 348,615
25 - 34: 726,278
35 - 49: 1,071,279
50 - 64: 968,707
65 & over: 549,625
Population by Race White: 4,089,202
African American: 201,737
Asian: 139,028
American Indian and Alaska Native: 56,010
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander: 6,623
Other: 364,140
Identified by two or more: 172,456
Population by Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino: 1,038,687
Non Hispanic or Latino: 3,990,509